
SCBWI Summer Conference

I really enjoyed the winter con in NYC last year and now that I'm no longer a conference virgin, I'm looking forward to LA. The Annual Winter SCBWI Conference takes place August 7-10. If you want to read my report from the winter con, check it out here.

Looking forward to meeting another of my crit partners, Elise Murphy!


K. M. Walton said...

I reeeeeaaaaallllllyyyyy want to go to the summer conference. But, I'll be in Australia visiting my youngest sister, her husband and their new baby. That ain't too shabby.

I almost planned Australia around the conference but then thought better of it.

It is her first child after all.

...m... said...

Oooh, the LA Times "Festival of Books" is THIS weekend. Bigger than SCBWI. It takes over most of the UCLA campus. HUGE children's book presence there, as you might imagine.

...m... said...
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Ray Veen said...

Take me with you.

I'm desperate to lose my conference virginity.

Ronald L. Smith said...

Kate, Australia sounds pretty nice, too! It was great to meet you at the NYC Con.

M, thanks for stopping by. Alas, plane tickets are expensive!

BPV, Come on brother, let's meet up there!