
No, not the iPod thingy. The novel writing thing, whatever the acronym is. How many people have done it? I don't even know a lot about it but I see references to it everywhere. I couldn't imagine trying to write a 50k novel in month. Or is it a week? It would suck so bad my computer would break in protest.

So who's done it and how did you fare?

It's National Punctuation Day!! Uh, Hello?

That's right, kids. You remember it. Dad coming home with nicely wrapped apostrophes, mom dressed in a flowing gown made of semicolons. Ahh, the memories.

No seriously, today is, in fact, National Punctuation Day. Don't believe me? Look here.

So what's your favorite punctuation mark? I don't have a favorite, but I despise semicolons. Just make up your mind and decide whether you're a period or comma for God's sake.

I also have a particular fondness for the old em dash--love it.

I've been Tagged! Somebody call a Doctor!

Some funny lady named Carrie Harris has tagged me. Thank you Carrie.

Go to the Wonder that is her Blog.
tm It's an experience.

You know how it works. I have to answer a bunch of questions and then tag eight other people. It's like some kind of weird cyberpsace chain letter thingy. I think. I'm not up on all the stuff the kids are doing. The My Page, the Facetubes. It gives me a headache.

So before I get to my answers I hereby TAG my wonderful critique partners, Elise and Michele, the always thoughtful Pink Ink, my new funny drinkin' buddy Big Plain V, big time author of Everlasting, Angie Frazier, the totally inspiring-road-to-pub Demonglass author Rachel Hawkins, the Lost-obsessed K.M. Walton, and last but not least, one of my original Lord of the Rings online buddies, Gentian.

If you've been tagged before, well, just consider yourself really, really popular.

Now, on with the show.

1. What are your nicknames?
Most friends call me Ronaldo. When Lord of the Rings was being filmed I was Corsair of Umbar on message boards.

I used to have an alias I would use when I met obnoxious people: Billy. I have no idea where it came from. I think I liked it because it’s a Bad Ass name. “Dude, don’t mess with Billy, he’ll kick your ass!”

2. What was the first movie you bought in VHS or DVD?
I really have no idea. I think it was Bladerunner. Or maybe a VHS of the Rankin Bass Hobbit that was on TV in the late 70s. It’s truly awful. Except Elrond looked cool. And Gollum.

3. What is your favorite scent?
Also, freshly popped popcorn. That and Gorgonzola. Not necessarily together.

4. What one place have you visited that you can't forget and want to go back to?
Also, Anguilla, in the British West Indies. We spent our honeymoon there and have been back a few times, but not in a while. It’s so lovely it’s lurve-ly.

5. Do you trust easily?
Why? What are you getting at?
I do trust easily, but I have to know you.

6. Do you generally think before you act, or act before you think?
I am somewhat impulsive so I’d have to say the latter. Wait, let me take that back…
No, I rush in arms and legs flailing.

7. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Plenty. But I try to focus on the good things and how fortunate I am in so many ways.

8. Do you have a good body image?
I’m totally hot. Ask anybody.

9. What is your favorite fruit?
I love all fruit. Really. Right now, I have a mouth full of grapes.

10. What websites do you visit daily?
Too many. All you blogger/writer people sites. Ain’t it Cool News. And Verla Kay.

11. What have you been seriously addicted to lately?
My critique group. And, um, Gossip Girls.

12. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
I think Carrie Harris is probably the life of the party. Especially NAKED parties.
Don’t ask.
No she seems really cool and fun. Plus she has an agent so she must be good. Damn her!

13. What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
“All I Do” by Stevie Wonder. You know it: All I do…thinking about you… (lurve-ly)
Also, Eye of the Tiger with a film clip of me signing a big publishing contract.

14. What's your favorite item of clothing?
I don’t wear clothes.
Also, unknown rock band t-shirts

15. Do you think Rice Krispies are yummy?
I’m an American ain’t I?

16. What would you do if you saw $100 lying on the ground?
Pee myself.
Also, buy something for myself and give some to a homeless person.

17. What items could you not go without during the day?
My friends in cyberspace. Intelligentsia coffee. Political news. My lurve-ly wife. Music.
These aren’t necessarily items, but…

18. What should you be doing right now?
Talking to an agent about my next big advance.

Thank you and Goodnight!

ALERT. I just read the, um, Tagging handbook and you don't have to tag eight people. Just tag as many as you like. END ALERT

Philip Pullman Signed my Notebook

Well, it was last year. He gave a reading and lecture at the Chicago Public Library. Really great time. I stood in line with the rest of the kids (and a number of adults, we're talking heady themes in these books. Milton, anyone?)

So anyway, my turn finally comes and I ask his handler, the person who stands there all day and takes books and opens them to the appropriate page, if he would sign my notebook. She says Sure.

So I ask Mr. Pullman, who looks like a very wise owl, if he would give me a few words of inspiration for when the muse is being fickle. He paused for a moment (he may have hooted like an owl, I don't remember) and then, with a very fancy pen wrote: When those moments come, remember that it is our job to write just as well and just as regularly when we're not inspired as when we are.

I now have that quote as my wallpaper, and believe me, I look to it for inspiration every day.

He also said his daemon is a magpie--going around picking up bits of stuff and using them in his fiction. What's your animal muse?

Road to Pub Stories

I am sure you are as inspired by Road to Pub stories as I am. I love reading all the details and dream that some day I can write one of my own. Rachel Hawkins has a great one up on her blog

Go read it. It's in two parts, both great. Pop over for a bit of inspiration, envy.

And if you ever come across any great RTP stories, please point them my way.



Work is getting in the way of my real passions. Argh, I hate advertising, but it pays the bills at the moment.

Hopefully, there'll be a slow down soon and I can get back to posting.

Instead of selling cheeseburgers and cars.

Plus, I joined a GREAT online critique group. Totally awesome writers!

I know what's important, damn it!


Query Letters

Back from a wonderful holiday break. Finally reading Twilight. It certainly keeps one turning the pages.

I just finished my novel a while ago and will start writing query letters soon. This is the scary part, as I'm sure a lot of you know. What happens when your dream agents pass on your MS because your query doesn't grab them? That has to be an awful feeling.
You mean I'm being passed over just because my query sucked? But don't you want to read the book, anyway? It's really good!!!

Doesn't seem fair, but I can see how agents can only respond to queries that excite them. So I'm curious, writer friends. How much stressing did you do over query letters? Did you get them critiqued on message boards? Did you rewrite them a million times? Did you just go for it and send the first one out that you wrote? Curious minds want to know.