An author's favorite books

Presenting a very interesting list of Philip Pullman's favorite books.

I have to say, honestly, I've only truly read one of them: Maus by Art Spiegelman, and have browsed many others sitting on my dusty shelves. Voyage to Arcturus, Grimm's Fairy Tales, H.P. Lovecraft

How do you stack up against this heavyweight auteur?

Not that it matters. I've read a bunch of books that Pullman hasn't read.

So there.


Michele Thornton said...

Um...None? Not one.
Worse, yet, I haven't even heard of some of the titles. Probably shouldn't admit that, but oh well.
Maybe it's that classic British education?

Ronald L. Smith said...

M...I think most are kind of academic in nature. He is an Oxford prof, after all.