
The Nettlehorse

There's an elementary school in my neighborhood called Nettlehorst. On weekends in the summer they have a nice, outdoor French market where one can buy fresh vegetables, flowers, wonderful breads and other goodies.

Today, as my wife and I walked by, I was drawn to this incredible horse made up of scrap frames. The name on the plaque below it reads: The Nettlehorse.

It looks wonderful. Of course, this got the gears in my fantasy-inspired brain churning and I'm already thinking of a way to use this name in a story. Maybe it's a short story. The horse comes to life after the kids build it! Yippee! I'm off to go work on this. (Click photo to enlarge for a better view.)


Tabitha said...

You live near Nettlehorst school? OMG, so do I! How cool is that? :)

Ronald L. Smith said...

Hey Tabitha!

Yes, I remember once you said something about the Air & Water show being nearby. I knew you were around here somewhere.

I had a close-up of the Nettlehorse's head but the pic got corrupted. I might try getting another shot today.

Thanks for dropping by.

K. M. Walton said...

Inspiration comes from everywhere. Cool photos, especially when I clicked on them and saw them bigger. Wow.

Tabitha said...

Are you coming to Prairie Writer's Day this year? If so, I hope to say hello!

Ronald L. Smith said...

Tabitha, I forgot all about Prairie Writers Day. I'll have to check the schedule and see if I can make it. I had fun last year. Or the year before, whenever it was!