Writers' Blogs & Other Stuff

I don't really know why I started this blog. I guess it's just for something to do when I have downtime at work, or when I can't seem to get the courage to face the blank page. There are a lot of these writer blogs out there, and I come across them all the time. I found one last night that was really inspiring. You could track the author's progress from the time she first sent out query letters to when she got a four-book deal at Harper Collins.
Four-book deal! I think her journey took about a year in all.

Maybe I will be so lucky. Who knows? All I know is that I have to keep going. Sometimes I look at my work and think it's all a bunch of dreck. Other times, I think it's brilliant. Like this morning.

I usually get downtown (Chicago Loop) about 7:30 or 7:45 and head to the Houlihan's for coffee. Ok, I know what you're thinking. Houlihan's? You mean like TGI McFunsters? Shenannigans? Thirsty McPickleShitters? Actually it's a great place to go in the morning and the servers are nice.

Sure, it's not Cafe Flore in Paris, but hey, I can smoke there, and in Chicago that's going to be over soon.

Anyway, I read the first 70 or so pages of my MS and thought: Hey, this isn't so bad, in fact I think it's quite good. Now, who knows what an agent will think, but I have to at least believe in it to keep going. And that's what I'm doing.

If you're a writer. Keep going.

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