Uh, hello?

Man, this blog is neglected. I envy people who have a blog presence that is regularly updated. I just don't have the stamina to do that. Or maybe it's the discipline. At the end of the day it's all about the writing, right?

That's what I've been doing. I am also taking an awesome writing class led by YA author Nova Ren Suma.

It's the best class I've ever taken.

It's only twelve writers, including myself, and is offered through Media Bistro. The good thing about it is that it's designed for writers who are looking to revise.

Each week, four writers are up for "workshop" where their work is discussed at length. It's been really helpful. My goal is to revise my middle grade novel, Hoodoo, which I queried back in December and January. I got a few full requests (one is still out) but ultimately, no offers. One agent in particular said she really liked it and that she would look again with revisions. So I'm hoping this class can help me take the book to the next level.

I'm reading Nova's latest book, 17 & Gone. It's spectacular. Check her out online. She has a lot of good stuff.

