The only reason to watch MTV

Tonight, during what is known as the VMAs on MTV, an otherwise dreadful and sordid experience, I will be waiting to see our first look at the Hunger Games film.

Looking forward to this!

I'm a Joiner!

I am a Platform-Building Campaigner! (See the nifty badge on the sidebar.) It's a very cool idea from writer Rachael Harrie, that helps bloggers, writers, readers and enthusiasts get together and support the Kid Lit community. It's a great idea. Go check it out and meet some new writerly friends!

The Eleventh Plague Excerpt

This awesome dude, Jeff Hirsch, wrote a book called the Eleventh Plague. Suzanne Collins (Hunger Games, duh, hellloooo? ) said it was an excellent, taut debut novel.

I hate him.

I suggest you go check out the first few chapters over at his blog right now.

Hey, I won an award!

My friend, the fabulous Kate Walton, whose debut novel, Cracked, comes out on January 3rd, 2011, knighted me with the coveted Liebster Award. Um, what's that, you ask? It's an award that goes to bloggers who have under 200 followers. Since I am a sporadic blogger at best, I have nowhere near that number. I guess I need to blog more.

Thanks, Kate.

Now I get to bestow the Liebster Award on some other worthy bloggers:

Anita Saxena

The Amazing Ray Veen

Tina Laurel Lee

Shari Arnold

Sarah J. Clark

The Liebster Award guidelines:

1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.

2. Post the names/links of those you'd like to forward the award to, and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.

3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.

Prepare your speeches!

Conjuring the Next Harry Potter

Fantastic article on YA books over at the Wall Street Journal. Most of it is about the novel, the Night Circus, by Erin Morgenstern, and all of the crazy pre-publication promotion taking place before its debut. Really great read.