
Having serious trouble here. In the middle of revising this second draft, I've come to the realization that some things just aren't working. I always knew this but glossed over it, thinking that it was fine. But now I realize it just isn't right. And it's not a small thing. It's the whole reason my characters go off on their quest. Basically it has to do with the motivations of the antagonist. Why is he doing what he is doing? What does he have to gain?

It's maddening. I think the first half of the book is really good, but then the structure of it seems to weaken. I really need to try to outline the last part of the book before I write any more.


And I thought I was so close to being finished.

What's New?

Wow, it's been a while since posting. I'm in the middle of revising my second draft, but it's not going as quickly as I would like. Time is such a hard thing to come by. I also know that there are some major things I need to change, so a little of that is fear and procrastination.  I think overall it's a pretty decent first draft, but I am beginning to wonder if my MC experiences enough true danger. I definitely think he changes by the end of the book, which is a must, but I need to up the odds on the risk quotient.

 I really want to make some progress in the coming weeks.